Be Here, Be There, Show Love, Show Care
Empowering all for the Kingdom of God!
Our Values
Bible-centered preaching and teaching
People and Family
Servant Leadership (Pastor)
Christian Education for all ages
Committed Christian Discipleship
Giving Time/Talent/Tithes
Praise and Worship
Fellowship and Community
The Bible as God’s Holy Word
Our Leaders & Ministry Team
Rev. Dr. Johannon Tate
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Johannon R. Tate was born and raised in Indianapolis, IN. His religious and spiritual foundation was cultivated at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. Dr. C. V. Jetter. After returning from the Navy he served in many areas of the church, and continued his education, completing Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees. These experiences prepared him for his call to the ministry.
Pastor Johannon and First Lady Kori Tate
Associate Ministers
Minister Marion Coates
Rev. Dr. Celeste Didlick-Davis
Min. Jeremy Hyman
Rev. Dr. Wanza Jackson-Mitchell
Min. Nicole Malveaux
Rev. Orlando Moore
Deac. Nelson Hart, Trustees Cheryl Maxwell, Gloria Blue and Yolanda Hart, Pastor Johannon Tate, Trustees Teryl Pendergrass, William Richardson, and Walter Dunn
Ministry Support & Volunteer Staff
Gloria Blue, Secretary & Teryl Pendergrass, Church Clerk
Algie Williams, Custodian
Sharon Barnes, Edna Richardson, Murthene Johnson, Marcia Cooper, Michele Dunn
not pictured: Patti Caldwell Phyllis Hunter, Katherine Snow
Deacon Emeriti
AC Mitchell | Gene Snow
Our Story
We celebrate that New Era has maintained an unbroken tradition of instilling within every generation, since our founding, the Biblical duty to make certain that the next generation hears about the mighty acts of God. Our story begins with a group of 19 men and women who held Sunday School in their homes. This fellowship led to a series of meetings about starting a church in the Middletown community of Oakwood. On the evening of December 1, 1921, these charter members held the official meeting to organize the NEW ERA BAPTIST CHURCH in Middletown, Ohio. At that time there was not a Black church near the Oakwood neighborhood. Two years later in 1923, New Era was incorporated.
Since 1921, New Era members have taken bold steps to lay a foundation that ensured the church’s continuity for more than 100 years. While our eternal mission from God over time remained unchanged, the methods, resources, and tools used were appropriate for the time.
We’re still moving forward to stay connected and keep all local ministries active and thriving.
To God be the Glory.
Please contact us for more information about our history.